Posted by Dr. Honora A Norton
For several years, I have been facilitating TRVFA Rotary Club of Scottsdale's sponsored scholarships to low income working poor, especially men and single mothers struggling to survive on multiple low paying part-time jobs with no benefits.    Each applicant that I have met is deserving, eager to learn and ready to make productive career moves after completing his/her TRVFA funded courses at Trade Schools which encompass a wide variety of hands-on education, from HVAC to carpentry to emerging technologies.
A college degree or vocational training beyond high school are necessary tools to obtain a well paying job. The days when a person graduated from high school, entered the workforce, and stayed with the same company until she or he retired are over.  The cost of college tuition and books is prohibitive for many people in low income households who wish to better themselves by furthering their education. TRVFA scholarships give them the leg up to provide for themselves and their families.  TRVFA provides financial aid to those who need it most. I am honored to support TRVFA and its blessed workings.  
Dr. Norton is an advisor to the TRVFA Board of Directors